"One of the best decisions I made in my life was to volunteer as the pet psychic for the NYC Strut Your Mutt event. Each year this event raises money for the animal rescue groups in the city. All day long I made new four-legged friends and their human companions, too. I asked the dogs to pick a Tarot Card, which they were happy to do, and gave them and their humans a reading from that Card. We all had a good and meaningful time. Lots of laughter was involved.”

Certified Intuitive Consultant, Tarot Card Reader, Healer, an Ordained Metaphysical Minister, Channel, Pet Psychic, and Medium

I knew at a young age that I was intuitive; that I would get insight into people and events that would turn out to be true.  It was a good sense that drew me to good people and things and also made me wary of those that I had to be careful around.  At times I knew what was going to happen next.  It was many little things that led up to a purpose of turning that gift into helping people.

I started with Tarot cards.  They were a starting point to tapping into my intuition and giving readings that resonated with the recipient.  My first readings were in the 1970’s and over the years, I have honed that skill to a very perceptive level.  The readings give insights on possibilities, lessons to be experienced, and the strengths in people and pets, too.

It was a natural progression to add channeling.  For over twenty years, I have studied with Diana Muenz Chen and practiced channeling with my spirit guides.  The beauty of this skill is that my guides bring forth relevant information.

And don’t forget healing.  I am adept at energetic healings combining different methods such as channeling with healer spirits, Vortex ®, and Therapeutic Touch®.

I am an Ordained Metaphysical Minister in the World-Wide International Metaphysical Ministry since 2009.

I am a Certified Intuitive Consultant for over 15 years.  I studied with the Holistic Studies Institute where I learned the facets of being psychic.  I have given individual readings and conducted seances through them.

Laurie J. Newman



“I first met Laurie Newman at a Therapeutic Touch healing circle and she offered to give me an impromptu psychic reading. Luckily, I accepted the offer and the reading blew me away, among other things mentioning my 8th and 9th chakras, which I’d never even known I’d had. She also seemed to sense my calling for storytelling, which I’d neglected for months, years. I met her again at a New York psychic fair and the brief reading, along with our mutual love of cats, lifted my spirits and opened my eyes. When some life-affecting decisions and questions came up it was only natural to call Laurie about an hour-long sessions and Mama Mia, did enormously helpful and curious and important things come up! I can barely express the amount of thanks to Laurie and her guides for the life-guiding reading.” - Bernie L., New Jersey

“I have attended two Awaken Fairs where Laurie Newman gave me readings. Her readings about my children, career, and relocation were quite accurate and reassuring. I felt the warmth and caring nature of her healing energy during both sessions (card and channeling reading) and it lasted long after the reading. The guides she worked with offered helpful and inspiring guidance that I needed to hear at the time! I would definitely have another session with Laurie at my next Awaken Fair.” - Henry D., Long Island, NY

“Laurie provided great insight and inspiration in her reading with me. Her advice was very practical and she zoned in to the issues at hand. She showed great compassion for some of the difficult issues I addressed. I felt empowered to take the next necessary steps with my projects. I would highly recommend her services to anyone who wishes to have a reading. Good Luck with all your ventures and Thank you for everything.” - Mary G., NYC